
I like to eat chocolate very much.. especially cadbury.. I wish that someone will gave me the chocolate for my birthday.. huhu..

My favourite song..

I like a lot of song.. I don't care if it is from Indonesia, America or whatever.. but the song from Malaysia I like most.. haha.. I like Wali and ST12 band from Indonesia.. all their song are the best.. I like their music.. It is so unique.. however, I still support the music industry in our country..


I will have an exam at 6th May 2011.. But, I not ready yet.. I hope I can answer all the questions.. I must read a lot of book to make sure my language(bm,english & german) or my answer will be correct.. InsyaAllah...

Co-curiculum Fiesta

I can't wait for the day.. haha.. I really excited about it.. especially, I want to enter the ghost's house... but, I don't like to wear a school track.. I fell so 'skema'.. I hope we will presenting the drama for the, I will wear 'baju kurung'.. I think it is better wear baju kurung than the school track..haha... just joke...: )

It is my first time I upload my image...


I don't know why today is borink... I feel unhappy and always getting mad.. I don't know why... can you tell me why?? Hurmm...

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe set out to sea. A storm caused his boat to capsize,leaving him the sole survivor. He found himself shipwrecked on an island. The resourceful Crusoe managed to build himself a home on the island. As year want by, he built two more homes and, made furniture and pottery for his own use. He also reared goats, planted rice and corn and collected fruit for food. One day, he rescued a victim of a cannibal attack, who became his companion and friend for life. He named his new friend, Friday. Later, they saved Friday's father and a Spaniard from savages. Much later, they rescued an English captain and his men from their mutineers on board a ship. The captain took Crusoe back to England where he settled down. However, when his wife died, he decided to go on another adventure. He visited his island, and found the English and the Spaniards living in harmony. Crusoe stayed for a while, then continued to travel the seas.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

This story takes place in nineteenth century London. Dr Jekyll came up with a potion which made it possible for him to transform into Mr Hyde, the embodiment of his 'evil' side. Jekyll believed, that man was made up of two sides, the good and the evil. Thus, he began to lead a double life. As Jekyll, he was known as the rich and respectable doctor, with close friends like Mr Utterson, a lawyer, and Dr Lanyon, a doctor. As Edward Hyde, he was the evil monster who did not think twice about committing brutal acts. Hyde enjoyed questionable activities and hung out in seedy parts of the town. He was wanted for the murder of Sis Danvers Carew. With each transformation, Hyde grew stronger, until Jekyll could not control his change into Hyde. In the end, When Mr Utterson and Poole broke down the laboratory door, Hyde drank some poison to kill himself. He would rather die than let himself be caught. Mr Utterson found a letter left behind by Jekyll explaining everything. However, he decided not to reveal everything to the police to safeguard the good name of his friend Dr Jekyll.

Potato People

The story is set in Ireland in the middle of the nineteenth century. The country was facing a potato blight that was causing famine and starvation. The main character, 16-year-old orphan Patrick Flynne lived in the little village of Skullgoragh. The people of Skullgoragh were poor and hungry. One day, Mr Graystone, who looked after the fields in Skullgoragh for their English owner, Lord Egham, led some men to the village and burnt the entire village to the ground. Patrick's friend, Sean, asked him to leave Ireland. Patrick was meet him in Cork. On his way to the port of Cork, Patrick met Marie, a young gipsy girl and together they travelled to Cork. Along the way, they had some unforgettable adventures. When they arrived at Cork, they met Sean who handed them money for their passage to America. Sean was later caught for killing Mr Graystone and most probably to be hanged. Patrick and Marie made their way to the New World,and after many years of hard work, finally settled down on their own ranch in California. Patrick never forgot his past or the lessons he had learnt from it. He always took care of hungry people who turned up at his door.

The Prisoner of Zenda

The story is about Rudolf Rassendyll, a young English gentleman. He went to Ruritania for a holiday,but endedup having a wild and exciting adventure. Duke Micheal, the younger brother of the King Rudolf V, was plotting to overthrow the king and take over. Since Rassendyll bore a strong resemblance to the king, he was asked to impersonate him. In order to save the king, Rudolf had to fight the six "famous bodyguard" of the Duke. At the same time, he fell in love with Princess Flavia, The king's fiancee and she with him. However, they decided that loyalty to the king and their country was far more noble than fulfilling their desire to be with one another. Thus, Rasendyll and Flavia sacrified their love for one another for the sake of King Rudolf V and Ruritania. In the end, Rasendyll saved the king, then left the country. Flavia stayed behind and married the king. In remembrance of their love for each other,they sent each other a single stalk of rose every year.

The Phantom of the Opera

This is mainly a story about Erik, who lived in the Opera House in Paris. Erik's face was badly deformed, and so, he had to wear a mask. He came to be known as the Phantom of the Opera. The Phantom was in love with a young,beautiful opera singer named Christine Daae. He tutored her and she eventually became the best opera singer in Paris. However, Christine was in love with Raoul, the aristocratic Vicomte de Chagny. One day, Christine was kidnapped by the Phantom and was taken to his home on a lake under the Opera House. Here, the Phantom revealed his love for Christine and stated his desire to marry her. Raoul, with the help of the Persian, tried to rescue Christine. However, they were trapped in Erik's tortune chamber-the room of mirrors. Erik told Christine to marry him if she wanted him to free Raoul and the Persian. Christine eventually agreed and kissed Erik.

underwater photographer

I like to take some pictures.. especially about our environment.. I am so interest about underwater world.. that's why I love to take some pictures about the underwater world.. I can explores and photographs the beauty of marine life and underwater landscapes.. I also can persues shipwrecks,submerges caves and sunken cities...hahahaha.... PEACE NO WAR!!

The Lake of Innisfree

I will arise and go now,
and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there,
of clay and wattles made.
Nine bean-rows will I have there,
a hive for the honey bee
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there,
for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricktes sing;
There midnight's all a glimmer,
and noon a purple glow
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now,
for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore
While I stand in the roadway,
or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's care.

I hope u understand what I write.. huhuhu..

My geng..

Saya ada geng.. kteorang terdiri daripada saya(alin),icha,alem,anis, and saypol..haha.. kteorang ni gile-gile ckit.. however, we always pentingkan pelajaran.. kteorang selalu study together and ngumpat together.. kteorang ni sehati sejiwa.. sentiasa bersama.. tapi, ramai orang yang jeolous ngan kteorang.. we don't know why..?? We also always sharing our problem, experience and all of thing... eemm... although we are happy go lucky, we are very sensitive about problem that one of us had.. hrmm.. that's why I love my team so much..hehe.. : )

box jellyfish

ooo... One of the more deadly marine animals, the box jellyfish is responsible for more deadth in Australia than snakes, sharks, and salt water crocodiles put together.. emm..


A starfish lives in the sea,but it is not a fish.. it has no gills,fins or skeleton. Similar to an octopus, the starfish has the ability to regenerate a lost arm.. It also has two stomach, which it pushes out of its mouth to eat.. emmm...

electric eel

An electric eel is really a type of fish and not an eel at all. It is a carnivore and can produce an electric charge that can knock a horse off its feet. It also has small eyes and poor eyesight.. However, I never seen the eel... huhuhu..